Changelog History

This release contains bug fixes and feature removals.
Removed Features
  • Removed the disabled 'Non-curated Continue sort"
  • Removed the now redundant "Hide models from the creations tab on your profile"
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed some RoSeal features not working on the renamed Charts page
  • RoSeal now uses the newer user blocking APIs and favorites pagination

This release contains a bug fix for deleting items that use the newer purchasing system.

This release contains a new feature and a fix for RoSeal's skin tone color picker..
  • Use Creator Store instead of Legacy Library for linking assets
Bug Fixes
  • Fix for RoSeal's skin tone color picker not updating in some cases

This release contains adjustments and small fixes to RoSeal's skin tone color picker.

This release contains the ability to set hex body colors.

This release contains a major performance improvement and bug fixes for the Experience Events and Move Report Abuse Button features.

This release contains bug fixes for experience details features.

This release contains new features, and bug fixes.
  • Put home friends carousel at top
  • Avatar thumbnail type setting for home header
  • Option to disable the light gray background on the home header avatar thumbnail
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed locale variants like en-AU falling back to the second locale despite there being an English localization
  • Fixed and moved language switcher to RoSeal settings
  • Fixed some cases where the Roblox website will get ratelimited and error in specific places with RoSeal
  • Fixed same-width home grid items not showing correctly on 16:9 thumbnail tiles

This release contains new features, a QoL fix, and bug fixes.
  • Move "Continue" home sort to the top
  • Set home header avatar headshot size
  • Fix experience deeplinks
QoL Fixes
  • RoSeal's links will now link to Creator Store instead of the legacy library when "View offsale Store assets" is enabled
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed hiding phone number verification for voice chat upsell
  • Fixed better experience notifications list
  • Fixed @-mentions not working on avatar items
  • Fixed duplicate guilded banners showing when switching between groups with "Refreshless Group Navigation" enabled
  • Fixed future cases for home sort modification where the friend carousel may not be at the top

This release contains a fix for non-hidden items appearing as "Hidden" in the Avatar and Inventory pages.

This release contains a QoL fix, and bug fixes.
QoL Fixes
  • "Hidden Avatar Assets" can now be viewed in the Inventory and avatar customization page
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed navigating group tabs bugging out with refreshless group navigation
  • Fixed developer product links not showing properly on small screens in Transactions

This release contains a new feature, a QoL fix, and bug fixes.
  • View avatar asset dependencies
  • Non-Fandom and other Fandom wikis are now supported for the View Unofficial Community wiki button
QoL Fixes
  • Developer Product purchases in transactions are now clickable
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed product information not appearing on bundles
  • Fix for an upcoming Roblox update involving all items getting Collectible Item IDs

This release contains a new feature and bug fixes.
  • Avatar item off sale timers
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed Discover experience carousel back button going all the way back
  • Fixed RoSeal user page features not working
  • Fixed adding old private server links (made before 2019) in Private Server Links section
  • Fixed group creators showing as users in the created date for avatar assets

This release contains new features, a QoL fix, a internationalization fix, and a bug fix.
  • Experience release/update/event countdowns with automatically refreshing play button
  • Suggestion to use exact name searching on the Discover page
  • Viewing hidden avatar assets is now stable
QoL Fixes
  • More improvements to request caching
  • Fixed Developer Products showing the name instead of the display name
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed "Add Pass" button not linking to the correct page

This release contains new features, support for upcoming locale in URL change by Roblox, QoL fixes, internationalization fixes, and a bug fixe.
  • Better experience notifications list
  • Add bundles to your profile collection
  • Replace the error image on error pages with the error image from the legacy Developer Hub
QoL Fixes
  • "Private Note" and "Universe ID" are now properly visually separated from the description with BTRoblox installed
  • When enabling a feature with optional permissions that are not granted, you will now be prompted to optionally grant them
  • Improved request caching
  • Added support for upcoming locale in URL change by Roblox
  • Robux count on Passes, Developer Products and hidden avatar asset page are now localized
  • Developer Product page now uses the localized name, description, and icon
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed hidden avatar asset page not working for some deleted items

This release contains a fix for RoSeal crashing the Creator Store website.

This release contains a new feature, feature removal, BTRoblox compatibility fix, and a bug fix.
  • (BETA) View details of hidden avatar assets
    • You can also grant the "Web Request" permission to automatically redirect to the RoSeal page to view details of hidden avatar assets instead of to the Marketplace
  • Removed followed experiences list as there is now a native feature by Roblox to view your followed experiences
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed "Disable Marketplace infinite scrolling" not working
  • Fixed BTRoblox compatibility issues that have existed since 1.3.16

This release contains bug fixes.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the Chat widget not working correctly on custom RoSeal pages
  • Fixed Discover Filters not working on the search page
  • Fixed collapsing "Recommended For You" sortless grid
  • Fixed a case where if an item went onsale in the past, viewing the bundle(s) that it is associated with would not appear

This release contains a new feature, Groups Organization search, a QoL fix, and a bug fix.
  • Override the layout styles of home sorts
  • You can now search your joined groups with Groups Organization enabled
Qol Fixes
  • Avatar restricted text on experience details is no longer as instrusive
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed some home sort tile images not appearing

This release contains 2 new features, and a bug fix.
  • Force home page grid sorts into a sort carousel
  • Force home page grid items to be the same size as carousel items

This release contains a new feature, Groups Organization rewrite, a QoL fix, and bug fixes.
  • Set visibility of your Models & Packages collection on your profile. More details can be found in the extension
  • Groups Organization drag and drop logic has been rewritten and is getting ready for a stable release
QoL Fixes
  • Developer Product details pages now include the associated universe and creator if linked from the associated universe
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed "Recommended For You" sort grid not showing on the home page
  • Fixed cases where RoSeal would display "60 minutes ago", "24 hours ago", or "60 seconds ago" with relative dates
  • When bringing the "Favorites" sort on the Home page to below "Continue", if "Continue" doesn't exist then it will put the sort at the very top

This release contains a fix for viewing certain off sale items in the Creator Store.

This release contains a new feature, QoL fixes, and bug fixes.
  • View bundle(s) that an item is part of
QoL Fixes
  • Fixed some styling issues and misalignment
  • Improved passes (with filtering enabled)/developer products paging logic
  • Groups Organization groups list now includes locked groups
  • Exporting/importing storage now omits Accounts Manager cookies due to browser session locking
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed viewing off sale items in the Creator Store
  • Fixed duplicate group wall paginators
  • Fixed Discover filters not working correctly after a recent Roblox update
  • Fixed "Followed Experiences" list not showing after a recent Roblox update

This release contains a bug fix for RoSeal settings for some users.

This release contains a bug fix for when there are no followed experiences.

This release contains new features, QoL fixes, and a bug fix.
  • View the experiences you're following in the Notifications tab in settings
  • Show the user who created avatar items if the creator does not match the uploader
  • Removed forcing home page sorts into a genre explorer
  • "Hide 0 Robux transactions" now only shows in the Group revenue tab
QoL Fixes
  • Switching from RoSeal settings to Roblox Settings is now seamless
  • Performance improvement on Chromium-based browsers
  • On Off Sale Creator Marketplace pages, the asset type will now always be displayed properly

This release contains a new feature.
  • View the Creator Marketplace page of Off Sale items

This release contains a new feature and a bug fix.
  • View the last user who updated a group-owned avatar asset
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed passes pagination with the "Filtering options in experience store tab" feature

This release contains a new feature, QoL fixes, and a bug fix.
  • The ability to add group-owned experiences of groups you own to your profile
QoL Fixes
  • When using fast free purchase, there is now "loading" feedback when the item is being purchased
  • Error feedbacks from fast free purchase are now more user friendly
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed "Subscriptions" not appearing under "Developer Products" on experience pages

This release contains a fix for the refresh button placement on avatar items.

This release contains a compatibility fix for the new Roblox user profile header.

This release contains bug fixes.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed bugs with the new private server links in the Private Server Links section
  • Fixed Account Manager's "Remove Account" logging out the authenticated user

This release contains a new feature, QoL fixes, and bug fixes.
  • Support for new Private server links for "Private Server Links" feature
  • Force wallet amount to only show in the Robux dropdown
QoL Fixes
  • Bundle subcategories are now supported in "Search Items by Creator"
  • Improved changing Created and Updates time with the "Change time type" feature
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed some non-deleteable asset types showing "Delete from Inventory"
  • Fixed CSS styles not being disabled when a feature is disabled
mreow mreow

    This release removes a feature and contains a bug fix.
    • Removed "Better Robux Navigation", this fixes a bug with RoSeal hiding the new Robux menu
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed developer product page loading indefinitely on invalid developer product IDs

    This release contains minor bug fixes.

    This release contains a new feature.
    • You can now switch RoSeal's language in the extension popup from the extension toolbar

    This release contains bug fixes.
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed challenge HTTP 403 errors still appearing with fast free purchase
    • Fixed popup/options not appearing correctly

    This release contains new features, new translations, QoL fixes, and bug fixes.
    • Show the Roblox Machine ID on error pages
    • Force "unnecessary" home sorts into a Genre explorer
    • Re-enabled "Put home 'Favorites' sort at top" and made it disabled by default.
    • Added "Device Type" (Firefox only) and "Ages" filters to Discover filters
    • RoSeal has been translated to Russian thanks to Flaryanlxrd.
    QoL Fixes
    • Discover filters section is no longer an eye sore.
    • Tab name is now updated when switching between groups with "Refreshless Group Navigation" enabled
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed home header styling affecting RoGold Ultimate's home header.
    • Fixed "Refreshless Group Navigation" updating incorrectly when navigating through group experiences with BTRoblox
    • Fixed freezing on the users friends page when "Show username in user's friends page title" is enabled
    • Fixed fast free purchase's error handling to handle any type of challenge, Captchas are not bypassed.
      • Most of the time, Captcha challenges requiring user input aren't required until you hit a certain threshold of purchase attempts within a specific amount of time. RoSeal does not control this.
      • Purchase attempts by Roblox still display an error with "Challenge is required to authorize this request", however, the Captcha should still be handled regardless, even if user input isn't required. This will be fixed in the next release, 1.3.4.

    This release contains a fix for a bug with importing private server links.

    This release contains new features, new translations, QoL fixes, bug fixes, and other changes.
    • Private Server Links section
      • You can add, import, export, and join them on the same page
      • BETA (firefox only): Try to automatically resolve the private server link owner
    • "Avatar Restricted" text above the Join button can now be disabled with its own feature switch
    • More badge statistics on badge page
    • Choose the types of names that appear on the home header
    • "Refreshless Group Navigation" is now stabilized and enabled by default.
    • Change the time type of tooltips
    • Voice Chat suspension details as a modal and showing the full date of suspension in the Roblox privacy settings
    • "Force Unfollow" is now on user profile pages
    • Remove phone number upsell
    • Remove "Friend Activity" label on experiences
    • Full "Favorites" home sort
      • Usually, the Favorites home sort is limited to up to 50 experiences
    • "Search More By This Creator" button
    • Hide messages count in navigation bar
    QoL Fixes
    • "Avatar Restricted" label now shows more details on hover.
    • New options page, it will be opened when required, i.e. missing permissions or requesting permissions.
    • Added some more website styling fixes
    • "Avatar Type" in experience statistics will now stay on the same row on medium+ devices.
    • The amount of inactive badges will now be displayed in the Experience Badges section
    • Badges, Developer Products, and Experience Private Notes will now "linkify" links, and format @-mentions, user, and group links with Item Mentions enabled
    • Extension popup themes/sync themes feature will now update the theme in real-time
    • Chat conversations now show up on custom RoSeal pages
    • Rewrote RoSeal settings feature switches tabs, they will now show under the parent tab at all times instead of to the right when hovering over the parent tab
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed Groups Organization groups list loading indefinitely
    • Fixed an issue where if a mentioned user using link mentions does not exist the text will be removed
    • Fixed alerts and experience wikis not working correctly on Firefox
    • Fixed RoPro incompatibility with the home header
    • Fixed RoSeal popovers still clickable after fading out
    • Fixed user's friends page title not correctly updating
    • Fixed Group Organization groups list not updating after leaving or joining a group
    • Fixed accurate continue sort not getting the user's blocked experience information
    • Features can now be marked as discontinued if Roblox implements a RoSeal feature natively
    • New flags system for disabling/enabling certain functionalities, similar to disabled features but not as critical to get.

    This release contains higher resolution icons.

    This release contains the return of a feature and a bug fix.
    • Brought back "Accurate non-curated Continue sort"
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed duplicate Updated/Created/Collectible Item ID/Collectible Item Product ID fields on avatar items

    This release contains a feature removal, new translations, and QoL fixes.
    • Removed "Accurate non-curated Continue sort" temporarily, this will be brought back in a future release
    • RoSeal has been translated to French and Brazilian Portuguese (thanks to these pull requests for French and Brazilian Portuguese). RoSeal has an open crowd-sourced internationalization Github repository that anyone can contribute to: Link
    QoL fixes
    • Made fast free purchase system feedbacks more clear
    • It is now possible to revoke the optional Cookies permission

    This release contains a feature removal, new translations, QoL fixes, and bug fixes.
    • Removed "Update account country"
    • RoSeal has been translated to Spanish (thanks to Furrycality). RoSeal has an open crowd-sourced internationalization Github repository that anyone can contribute to: Link
    QoL Fixes
    • Added system feedback for ratelimiting and purchasing errors to fast free purchase
    • Made fast free purchase a bit more stable
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed freezing a developer product's page when the name contained 2 or more spaces
    • Fixed duplicate "Delete from Inventory" on item pages
    • Fixed chat sort types not working correctly
    • Fixed BTRoblox incompatibility
    • Fixed previous group names not updating when switching groups with refreshless group navigation

    This release contains a bug fix for Group Organization.
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed drag and drop in Group Organization

    This release contains new features, and bug fixes.
    • Fast Free item purchasing
    • Refresh avatar item details button
    • Show additional item product info
    • EXPERIMENTAL Marketplace color filters
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed "Delete from Inventory" appearing on collectible (Limited U) items
    • Fixed events tab showing "No events available." despite there being events
    • Fixed cases where presence registration with display as offline on website continues
    • Fixed created/updated fields not appearing on Roblox-created passes

    This release contains a new feature, bug fixes, and an other change.
    • (Beta) Refreshless drag-and-drop groups and pending groups navigation
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed feature toggles not updating correctly
    • Fixed unlock PIN prompt showing at incorrect times on profile

    This release contains new features, feature stability, and bug fixes.
    • Various styling fixes, this was previously forced without a feature switch for it
    • Experience wikis are now dynamically imported from
    • Accurate "Continue" home page sort
    • Move experience events to it's own tab
    • "Discover filters" moved from Experimental to Beta
    • "Item mentions" stabilized
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed Created/Updated fields on marketplace items

    This release contains new features, feature stability, and bug fixes.
    • Re-enabled "Delete from Inventory" with adjustments
    • "Better experience badges" and "Block experiences" are now marked as stable
    • Ability to disable RoSeal settings in settings dropdown
    • Home header birthday message confetti is now rate limited
    • Added 11 new home page messages
    • Reworked RoSeal's popup internally
    • Group organization folders now persist their open state
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed incompatibility with BTRoblox with private notes on experiences
    • Fixed incompatibility with RoPro with discover filters
    • Fixed item mentions user/group tab links
    • Fixed disabled features behavior
    • Fixed RoSeal's popover/dropdown menus closing animations

    This release contains new features, performance improvements, bug fixes, and other changes.
    • EXPERIMENTAL experience filtering on discover page
    • Private experience notes
    • Request Right-to-Erasure file button, with downloading and marking as read
    • Warning in account settings to update your set country
    • Avatar type label in experience details page
    • Unlock pin modal prompts in some places if it doesn't exist
    • Hide private server transactions
      • Additionally, this new feature and 0 Robux transactions filters are now applied to Group Sales
    • Rename users friends title to include the target username
    • Removed rename "Events" to "Sponsored Events"
    Performance Improvements
    • Sped up RoSeal settings render
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed user friends context menu
    • RoSeal now treats experience deeplink pages (/games/start) as regular experience pages
    • Feature switches now list required permissions in a separate list from the description
    • Features can now be disabled globally from a remote file if necessary
    • Internationalization (strings) are now open-source, click here to see the repository

    This release contains QoL fixes and bug fixes. If you use Edge or Opera, this release is for you, and you should update immediately.
    QoL Fixes
    • Fixed "Add Pass" not showing in experience passes section if you're the creator of the experience
    • Fixed contrast of the ALT text, View Thumbnail Asset tooltips on the experience details page on light theme
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed a bug breaking the Avatar Shop/Avatar item pages if Accounts Manager is enabled on Edge and Opera
    • Fixed Developer product 404 page not being styled correctly

    This release contains new features, QoL fixes, performance improvements, and bug fixes.
    • Experience badges sorts and filters
    • Better experience media ALT text tooltip
    • Show user's last online date in the stats box
    • Hide friend requests count in navigation
    • Change the default tab that the Friends navigation item navigates to
    • Seals. Seals. Seals. Replace all images with seals
    QoL Fixes
    • Direct user lookup in passes and badges "View as" by pressing "Enter" to bypass filtering
    Performance Improvements
    • Thumbnails from RoSeal features now take a lot less longer to load
    • Home user header now loads almost instantly
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed experience badges localization
    • Fixed user header birthday message not working

    This release contains new features, QoL fixes, and bug fixes.
    • Better experience badges list
    • Group organization customization
    • "Hello, {displayName} greeting for home header
    • Viewing developer products in experience store stabilized
    QoL Fixes
    • Changed "Logout" to "Remove", "Clear Current Cookie" to "Logout" in Accounts Manager
    • Changed plain user id textbox to username textbox with search dropdown in experience store Passes section "View as user"
    • Added dark mode support in extension popup
    • Added import/export settings in extension popup
    • Reworked pending group join requests UI
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue where the last page in group wall pagination didn't actually prevent the user from going further
    • Fixed unowned/owned filters not immediately updating in experience store Passes section
    • Fixed chat sort filter not being applied to conversations when they are updated

    This release contains a new feature, a QoL fix, and bug fixes.
    • Abiility to toggle easter eggs for the refreshed home header feature
    QoL Fixes
    • Made the descriptions and names of some features more clear
    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed Accounts manager displaying wrong message when the user is logged in with no accounts
    • Fixed "View Media Asset" showing on video media in carousel with the view icon asset feature

    It's finally the day, RoSeal's release.