This release contains bug fixes.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed inventory badges no longer showing on private inventories due to a recent Roblox update
- Fixed outfits showing the list a few times on the Avatar Customization page
This release reverts changes in 2.0.9
This release contains a bug fix for RoSeal features not workig on the pages of avatar items due to a Roblox update.
This release contains bbug fixes.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Eyelashes and Eyebrows limits counting towards Layered limits with RoSeal features
- Fixed related assets showing up in Asset Dependencies, this is a rollback of a fix from 2.0.7
- Fixed Heads section not being automatically directed to with hash navigation for Avatar Editor enabled
This release contains bug fixes.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed mobile "Cancel" button not working correctly on the user profile page
- Fixed Community icon change always failing with RoSeal enabled
This release contains a new feature, a QoL fix, bug fixes, and new translations.
- "Show user badge progress" is now a toggleable feature
QoL Fixes
- You can now unfavorite or favorite hidden moderated Roblox items
Bug Fixes
- Fixed experience playtime not showing if you haven't played in the last 14 days
- Fixed appearance of Private Notes on experience pages with BTRoblox enabled
- Fixed Price Chart on item pages not updating the quantity sold axis when changing the time selection
- Fixed a bug where not all dependencies were sometimes not shown on the item page
- Added translations for French, thanks to contributions through our Crowdin.
This release contains bug fixes.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the inventory Badges notice covering the whole page in some cases
- Fixed removing Private Server Links replacing all links with the link that was supposed to be removed
This release contains a bug fix for "Remove Follower" not working on user profile pages.
This release contains a new feature, bug fixes, and performance improvements.
- Show more price chart data on avatar items
- Community wikis can now be marked as Official in community wiki links
- Added created/updated dates on experience events, and looks pages
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the Favorites button on item pages would constantly move down when fields were added
- Fixed previous usernames modal list going off-screen
- Fixed Asset Dependencies thumbnails not loading if there is at least one MeshHiddenSurfaceRemoval
- Fixed Asset Dependencies not loading on Firefox
- Fixed experience badges list trunucating the badge descriptions to one line if there was a comparison
- Fixed "View Localized Metadata" button not working on some experiences with Chinese localization
- Fixed a crash when "Replace all text with text from a certain animal" and "Override the resolution of all images" are enabled
- Fixed the Favorites sort on the home page not loading in some cases with Full favorited experience list enabled in Sorts Layout CUstomization
QoL Fixes
- Item statuses, item tags, and the blocked item screen has now been added to hidden avatar items
- Experience badges list now shows the username of who was awarded the badge instead of showing "You"
- All Join Server buttons on experiences that you have been banned from now are hidden
- Hidden items that you no longer own can now be removed from your collection
- Optimized parts of the extension, this should not be noticeable to most users
- Online friends in the experience places tab now update in real-time
This release contains a bug fix for the Customize Sorts Layout button not being clickable with RoPro enabled.
This release contains new features and bug fixes.
- Focus the search bar when pressing the slash key
- Hide the Customize Sorts Layout button on the home page
- Clickable button to view past usernames modal
- Increase width of the accounts switcher popover
- "In Restricted Server" no longer disables the "Join" button
QoL Fixes
- Added a search query to link keyword feature searches in RoSeal settings
- "Search Creator in Marketplace" now only shows if the creator has updated an item in the past year
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the Roblox settings popover being moved too much to the right in some cases
- Fixed tab overflow on community pages
- Fixed RoSeal features not working in BTRoblox's user inventory frame
- Fixed image resolution override causing the experience icon on event pages to be an incorrect size
- Fixed experience Private Notes freezing the page when inputting any key
- Fixed RoSeal subfeatures divider bad showing when they are no subfeatures with the search keyword
- Fixed Chat sorts causing Chat to never load more than 50 users
- Fixed overriding expand home content not switching the experience thumbnail sizes
- Fixed Show Universe ID/Show Shop ID not working with BTRoblox
- Fixed Charts filters not working
- Fixed experience concurrent player count initially showing NaN when RoGold is enabled
- Fixed option groups background color on RoSeal dropdowns
- Fixed Shop Creator in Marketplace causing overflow with RoPro elements on the user profile page
RoSeal 2.0 (Gaia) has released! Mostly everything has been written from the ground up again, and added a ton of new features. The list of changes here is not the full list of changes.
New Features
- Override the maximum amount of Friends rows on your home page
- Customize the layout of home sorts
- Override whether the home page is using the fill width of the page
- Include Verified/Premium badge in refreshed home user header
- Customizable greeting text in refreshed home user header
- Experience stats tooltips
- View countries that an experience is restricted in
- View an experience's supported devices
- View user's total time spent the last 14 days or 28 days in an experience
- Experience restricted screen
- Disable autoplay for carousel videos on the experience details page
- Use ad-less mirror for Community Wiki fandom wikis (
- Check experience ban status
- Grid layout for improved experience badges tab
- View places under an experience
- Check if you are unable to join a user from friend lists and profiles
- Generate and handle friend links
- Force enable viewing user inventory badges
- Show the date of when an inventory item was first obtained
- Link to a user's Marketplace items on the user's profile
- Preview user description filtered text
- User viewer/viewee blocked screen
- Show user past username count
- Search bar for community store items
- Show community previous name count
- Hide the community events tab if there are no events
- BETA Seamless navigation of avatar items
- View the item tags on avatar items
- View the price of avatar items that you own
- View sale counts of items that you can access
- Automatically discover and update accounts in Accounts Manager
- Show navigation item as authenticated user pill in Accounts Manager
- Update other tabs when the Roblox account is switched or logged out in Accounts Manager
- Show age bracket in authenticated user pill in Accounts Manager
- Share links for experiences, items, and your profile
- Clear Roblox's local cache automatically when storage fills up
- Hash navigation in transactions page
- Link to the Creator Dashboard instead of the Creator Hub in the navigation bar
- Show pending Robux count next to Robux balance
- Add user favorites item to the left navigation
- Change default inventory tab in the left navigation
- Change default messages tab in the left navigation
- Hide unread message notifications count
- Fix Avatar Marketplace off sale filter
- Show the price floor of the avatar item type
- Hash navigation in the Avatar Customization page
- Unlock accessory and layered clothing wearing limits in the Avatar Customization page
- Advanced customization in the Avatar Customization page
- Override the resolution of all images
- [UNSTABLE] Disable page font resizing
- Redirect to main experience details from deeplink page in fix experience deeplinks
- View experience's internal shop ID in the experience details page
- Show player channel name in experience launcher
- View internationalized media in view item's media assets and icon asset
- Switch the theme of the website from the navbar
- View Roblox session metadata in a modal
- Show community agent ID (internal user ID)
- RoSeal test pages (/seals, /no-seals)
- RoSeal Reference pages (/reference/icons)
- Override Roblox experiments
Feature Changes
- You can now drag-and-drop accounts in Accounts Manager
- View an experience's developer products in its store now includes an External Sale Status filter for an upcoming Roblox update
- Syncing browser theme to the website theme can now be configured in the Roblox settings page under Theme
- Better Notfication Preferences now includes Community Notifications
- Several new styling fixes in the styling fixes feature
- You can now configure displayed time/tooltip text time types individually for Avatar Items, Experiences, Creator Items, Experience items, user profiles, and community profiles
- Persist transactions selection after exiting the page is now dependent on "Hash navigation in transactions page" being enabled
- View hidden avatar now partially works for hidden bundles
- Blocked items now allows to block avatar items, creators, and description keywords
QoL Fixes
- Added search function to RoSeal features page
- Data management and new I18n overrides can now be found in the RoSeal settings page instead of the RoSeal popup
- Web Request API and Declarative Net Request API permissions have been added as required permissions. For information about why and how they're used, please see the RoSeal Privacy Policy.
This release contains a fix for communities features not working on the new /communities/ links.
This release contains a bug fix for developer products on experience pages not appearing.
This release contains a removal for the pin unlock requirement when force unfollowing users.
This release contains a change to RoSeal's "Delete from Inventory" button and a bug fix for BTRoblox compatibility.
- RoSeal's "Delete from Inventory" button now has a 5 second delay instead of requiring arbitrary two-step verification
Bug Fixes
- Fixed BTRoblox's friends list not working with RoSeal installed
This release contains a fix for RoSeal features not working correctly after the Roblox outage on October 8th, 2024.
This release contains bug fixes.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed RoSeal overriding context menus
- Fixed blocking experiences not correctly working with some users
- Fixed Chat oldest/newest sort filters not working
- Fixed viewing the voice chat restoration date
- Fixed Discover filters not working correctly when Roblox's filters exist
This release contains bug fixes and feature removals.
Removed Features
- Removed the disabled 'Non-curated Continue sort"
- Removed the now redundant "Hide models from the creations tab on your profile"
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some RoSeal features not working on the renamed Charts page
- RoSeal now uses the newer user blocking APIs and favorites pagination
This release contains a bug fix for deleting items that use the newer purchasing system.
This release contains a new feature and a fix for RoSeal's skin tone color picker..
- Use Creator Store instead of Legacy Library for linking assets
Bug Fixes
- Fix for RoSeal's skin tone color picker not updating in some cases
This release contains adjustments and small fixes to RoSeal's skin tone color picker.
This release contains the ability to set hex body colors.
This release contains a major performance improvement and bug fixes for the Experience Events and Move Report Abuse Button features.
This release contains bug fixes for experience details features.
This release contains new features, and bug fixes.
- Put home friends carousel at top
- Avatar thumbnail type setting for home header
- Option to disable the light gray background on the home header avatar thumbnail
Bug Fixes
- Fixed locale variants like en-AU falling back to the second locale despite there being an English localization
- Fixed and moved language switcher to RoSeal settings
- Fixed some cases where the Roblox website will get ratelimited and error in specific places with RoSeal
- Fixed same-width home grid items not showing correctly on 16:9 thumbnail tiles
This release contains new features, a QoL fix, and bug fixes.
- Move "Continue" home sort to the top
- Set home header avatar headshot size
- Fix experience deeplinks
QoL Fixes
- RoSeal's links will now link to Creator Store instead of the legacy library when "View offsale Store assets" is enabled
Bug Fixes
- Fixed hiding phone number verification for voice chat upsell
- Fixed better experience notifications list
- Fixed @-mentions not working on avatar items
- Fixed duplicate guilded banners showing when switching between groups with "Refreshless Group Navigation" enabled
- Fixed future cases for home sort modification where the friend carousel may not be at the top
This release contains a fix for non-hidden items appearing as "Hidden" in the Avatar and Inventory pages.
This release contains a QoL fix, and bug fixes.
QoL Fixes
- "Hidden Avatar Assets" can now be viewed in the Inventory and avatar customization page
Bug Fixes
- Fixed navigating group tabs bugging out with refreshless group navigation
- Fixed developer product links not showing properly on small screens in Transactions
This release contains a new feature, a QoL fix, and bug fixes.
- View avatar asset dependencies
- Non-Fandom and other Fandom wikis are now supported for the View Unofficial Community wiki button
QoL Fixes
- Developer Product purchases in transactions are now clickable
Bug Fixes
- Fixed product information not appearing on bundles
- Fix for an upcoming Roblox update involving all items getting Collectible Item IDs
This release contains a new feature and bug fixes.
- Avatar item off sale timers
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Discover experience carousel back button going all the way back
- Fixed RoSeal user page features not working
- Fixed adding old private server links (made before 2019) in Private Server Links section
- Fixed group creators showing as users in the created date for avatar assets
This release contains new features, a QoL fix, a internationalization fix, and a bug fix.
- Experience release/update/event countdowns with automatically refreshing play button
- Suggestion to use exact name searching on the Discover page
- Viewing hidden avatar assets is now stable
QoL Fixes
- More improvements to request caching
- Fixed Developer Products showing the name instead of the display name
Bug Fixes
- Fixed "Add Pass" button not linking to the correct page
This release contains new features, support for upcoming locale in URL change by Roblox, QoL fixes, internationalization fixes, and a bug fixe.
- Better experience notifications list
- Add bundles to your profile collection
- Replace the error image on error pages with the error image from the legacy Developer Hub
QoL Fixes
- "Private Note" and "Universe ID" are now properly visually separated from the description with BTRoblox installed
- When enabling a feature with optional permissions that are not granted, you will now be prompted to optionally grant them
- Improved request caching
- Added support for upcoming locale in URL change by Roblox
- Robux count on Passes, Developer Products and hidden avatar asset page are now localized
- Developer Product page now uses the localized name, description, and icon
Bug Fixes
- Fixed hidden avatar asset page not working for some deleted items
This release contains a fix for RoSeal crashing the Creator Store website.
This release contains a new feature, feature removal, BTRoblox compatibility fix, and a bug fix.
- (BETA) View details of hidden avatar assets
- You can also grant the "Web Request" permission to automatically redirect to the RoSeal page to view details of hidden avatar assets instead of to the Marketplace
- Removed followed experiences list as there is now a native feature by Roblox to view your followed experiences
Bug Fixes
- Fixed "Disable Marketplace infinite scrolling" not working
- Fixed BTRoblox compatibility issues that have existed since 1.3.16
This release contains bug fixes.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the Chat widget not working correctly on custom RoSeal pages
- Fixed Discover Filters not working on the search page
- Fixed collapsing "Recommended For You" sortless grid
- Fixed a case where if an item went onsale in the past, viewing the bundle(s) that it is associated with would not appear
This release contains a new feature, Groups Organization search, a QoL fix, and a bug fix.
- Override the layout styles of home sorts
- You can now search your joined groups with Groups Organization enabled
Qol Fixes
- Avatar restricted text on experience details is no longer as instrusive
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some home sort tile images not appearing
This release contains 2 new features, and a bug fix.
- Force home page grid sorts into a sort carousel
- Force home page grid items to be the same size as carousel items
This release contains a new feature, Groups Organization rewrite, a QoL fix, and bug fixes.
- Set visibility of your Models & Packages collection on your profile. More details can be found in the extension
- Groups Organization drag and drop logic has been rewritten and is getting ready for a stable release
QoL Fixes
- Developer Product details pages now include the associated universe and creator if linked from the associated universe
Bug Fixes
- Fixed "Recommended For You" sort grid not showing on the home page
- Fixed cases where RoSeal would display "60 minutes ago", "24 hours ago", or "60 seconds ago" with relative dates
- When bringing the "Favorites" sort on the Home page to below "Continue", if "Continue" doesn't exist then it will put the sort at the very top
This release contains a fix for viewing certain off sale items in the Creator Store.
This release contains a new feature, QoL fixes, and bug fixes.
- View bundle(s) that an item is part of
QoL Fixes
- Fixed some styling issues and misalignment
- Improved passes (with filtering enabled)/developer products paging logic
- Groups Organization groups list now includes locked groups
- Exporting/importing storage now omits Accounts Manager cookies due to browser session locking
Bug Fixes
- Fixed viewing off sale items in the Creator Store
- Fixed duplicate group wall paginators
- Fixed Discover filters not working correctly after a recent Roblox update
- Fixed "Followed Experiences" list not showing after a recent Roblox update
This release contains a bug fix for RoSeal settings for some users.
This release contains a bug fix for when there are no followed experiences.
This release contains new features, QoL fixes, and a bug fix.
- View the experiences you're following in the Notifications tab in settings
- Show the user who created avatar items if the creator does not match the uploader
- Removed forcing home page sorts into a genre explorer
- "Hide 0 Robux transactions" now only shows in the Group revenue tab
QoL Fixes
- Switching from RoSeal settings to Roblox Settings is now seamless
- Performance improvement on Chromium-based browsers
- On Off Sale Creator Marketplace pages, the asset type will now always be displayed properly
This release contains a new feature.
- View the Creator Marketplace page of Off Sale items
This release contains a new feature and a bug fix.
- View the last user who updated a group-owned avatar asset
Bug Fixes
- Fixed passes pagination with the "Filtering options in experience store tab" feature
This release contains a new feature, QoL fixes, and a bug fix.
- The ability to add group-owned experiences of groups you own to your profile
QoL Fixes
- When using fast free purchase, there is now "loading" feedback when the item is being purchased
- Error feedbacks from fast free purchase are now more user friendly
Bug Fixes
- Fixed "Subscriptions" not appearing under "Developer Products" on experience pages
This release contains a fix for the refresh button placement on avatar items.